2018 - 2019: Co-Producing Comedy Lab


Pre-pandemic, ComedyLab was an experimental variety show hosted on Thursday and Sunday nights. Producing taught me how to host shows, keep the energy between the crowds and work enable backstage operations with stage tech for a successful show.

Though I haven’t pursued Zoom Comedy over the pandemic, I’m grateful for my time in Boston to learn these skills and carry them forward.


2018 - 2019: (Con)tent Web Series

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Written, directed and performed by various members of the Mister Bismuth cast, led by Jonathan Case, this web series was my debut at creating filmed content (pun intended). Two episodes of this series were screened at the Somerville Independent Film Festival.

Content follows the story of a woman as she navigates society after losing her job in the 2008 Recession. Throughout her journey, she encounters various characters of questionable morals and loyalty. I play as Dr. Nandita Leete.


2016 - 2019: Improv and Sketch Comedy at ImprovBoston


ImprovBoston was my second home in Boston. I started comedy as a hobby when one night, I decided to drop into a theater near work, and I found out that they had a free drop-in class. Since then, I’ve written and performed in a variety of sketch shows including FemRom Live (March, 2019) and Comedy America (July 2018).

To read more of my sketches and screenplays, click here.

My experience at ImprovBoston. led me to make friends as an adult, pursue a creative fulfilling hobby with other people, and brought me out of my shell as merely a software engineer. I could wax eloquent about the skills that improv has taught me, but I’ve also learned not to be a bore at parties.


 Have sketches you want read, table-read, rendered or cast? Please feel free to reach out at any of my socials or at this giant button: